Visualising Ideas pt 1

Research and Analysis for my 'Visualising Ideas project.

1/20/20235 min read

I wanted to focus my 'ways of seeing' research on practitioners that are colourblind, i have a colour processing issue that means i cant distinguish greens correctly, this doesnt mean i am colourblind but it means i struggle with a lot of the same things people i am going to research struggle with, so i wanted to compare my methodology with theirs.

Cameron Bushong

Bushong is a red/green colour blind photographer from Ohio, USA. He primarily works in colour in a desaturated slightly green tinted lookand he is confident in using a very neutral and flat colour palette to show how he see's the world, red / green colourblindness removes a lot of the vivid colours in our every day world. and it is really prominent in his work.

Bushong edits in black and white to compare tones and then moves back into colour to make minute adjustments using colour pickers for reference and the outcome is these amazing and gripping images.

The tones used in a lot of the black and white images are very similar to me (as ive noticed with a lot of colourblind photographers) but i am yet to find a reasoning why.

David Wilder

Wilder is a award winning landscape photographer from canada, and suffers with Deuteranopia, a form of colour blindness that means he cant distinguish many colours from eachother, and his eyes are hyper sensitive to yellows, oranges and reds. this however has never stopped his work being captivating, bold and beautiful and untill a few years ago he had never seen the colour pink properly. in 2019 he wrote a article in fstopper talking about being a coloublind photographer and Enchroma , a company that makes colour correction glasses, sent him a pair to use on a shoot, the video of him trying them for the first time is emotional and shows a lot of how that means to him. he spent his life perfecting his craft and now has the capability and vision to carry on.

here's the link to the video of him seeing full colour for the first time.


Week 1. Ways Of Seeing.

Week 2. Mythologies.


Week 3. Regarding the Pain of others.


Week 4. Gender Trouble.

Studium and Punctum

a concept coined by Roland Bathes is a way to explain the juxtaposition within a piece of work, looking at context over content and focusing on the seperation from the physical elements we can see (studium) and what we work out of the image from the context and subconscious (punctum) I use wrestling images ive taken to emphasize this as wrestling in itself fits very well under this banner as even though it seems to be two people fighting, its all about storytelling and theatrics. Using the image on the right, the Studium is a person visibly in pain and discomfort. the punctum would be the power dynamic and change in the image as that is a authority figure (a referee) in that situation. for wrestling fans that have a connection with the wrestling industry, this is something we've all seen many times before and we would associate this as a 'heel' (bad guy) story using dirty tactics to gain an advantage.

Mythomania - Peter Conrad

Peter Conrad gives many examples of modern mythology using well versed and universally known icons, people and concepts; The Kardashians, the 'Apple' logo, e-cigarettes just to name a few, and he notes that all the icons as a umbrella ll represents the materialistic generation we live in amongst other things living in the current digital age that everything is linked to in one way or another.


Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols with their use and interpritations, and how they are read in multiple cultural backgrounds.

The image on the right is universally known as a stop sign, even without having any type or detailing on it, even though its not been set as a guideline, we all recognise this sign regardless of the context and the typography that may be used.

Gender in photography is very traditional and hetronormative in the majority of all works but primarily in historic photography, the average hetronormative family generally has a mother, father and children with the mother taking on a house based role and the father being the breadwinner. Photography of the royal family over the years has been the prime example of a traditional hetronormative family model and as it is so widely known set a kind of staple for the majority of the world who has held the british monarchy in high regards.

Performative and performance.

Performative is described as presenting yourself subconsciously as a different person to who you actually are or who you identify as to fit in and be characterised in the interest of other people.
Performing is when a person is intentionally and knowingly acting out a fantasy or character and portraying their identity.

Bex Day
Bex Day is a british phototographer who spent a long time documenting the life of trans and gender non conforming people in and around London, she 'wanted to make photos that are authentic' and used a lot of compassion and consciousness that generally is void in other works around similar subjects. The images are intimate and personable and gives you a real insight into how non-cis identifying people in the UK

As photographers, its our job to tell the stories we capture with our camera to be shared around, as the person who pulls the trigger, we create our own spin on the narrative in the specific way we are seeing it ourselves.

Photography plays a massive part in spreading news around the world, sharing images of current affairs, history and memories, but on the flip side, the photographer can and usually does directly impact the message perceived by the viewer.


Algorithms are based in computer sequences that dictates what a person sees online based on their previous interactions and